We now offer a line of Universal Fit X13 / Constant Torque Motors designed to replace 100s of different OEM X13 ECM Motors in Residential and Commercial applications. Evergreen offers (4) Standard HP Ratings: 1/3 , 1/2 , 3/4 and 1 HP and available in 115V or 208-230V Single-Phase Input , 50/60 Hz...these direct drive blower motors install with all standard 48 frame mounting brackets (unless otherwise specified). Typically designed for HVAC Air Handlers and/or Furnaces.
Our new EC-MAX Motors are Dual Rated for 115/230VAC , these can replace either PSC or X13 Motors with equivalent horsepower. These motors also feature auto-sensing technology and determine whether or not they need to spin clockwise or counterclockwise.